
Dear Trigger Hippy Fans

Dear Trigger Hippy Fans-

Many of you have been asking, on social media and in person at my shows, about TH: when will we be coming out with another album and going on tour? I’m very sad to say it, but I will no longer be a part of Trigger Hippy. Last year I met with Steve and Nick and they explained that, as part of their renewed focus on the band, they now need band members who live in Nashville and can make TH their first and only priority. As much as I would have loved to continue being part of Trigger Hippy, as a solo artist and mom I simply don’t have that option.

 I’ve sincerely enjoyed the years I spent writing, recording and touring with the band, working to build a fan base and spread the love and excitement we all felt when playing together. But things change and I respect the fact that Steve and Nick have chosen to proceed this way. It’s been a joyful adventure making music with them, and I’m sure they have no shortage of great people with whom they can collaborate: if Ed Jurdi is still in the picture he’s a talented, soulful musician and a warm and lovely human being.

So, in the words of John Prine, I wish them All The Best and I hope they have great success going forward. I’m using the extra time and energy to work on new original songs, and I’ll keep anybody who’s interested informed about that. Thanks to all of you for the love and support, and I hope to see you out there soon.

Yours truly-Joan Osborne